What I am currently taking, and what I've tried:Currently using Helminthic therapy, Omega 3 fish oil, enzymes, probiocics, Vitamin D 5,000 MG (due to blood work),
IV vitamins or iron in an emergancy, Prednisone taper, and Humira ( when I was in the hospital). Tried fecal transplant.
Trying to fix some hormone/cortisol problems w/ melatonin, progesterone, and few other supplements. Oh, and I've been gluten free for about 6 years. Some things helped, others hurt.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Back on the wagon..

Valentines 2011

It finally happened. I knew the day would come, but dreaded actually hearing it. I went to the doctor, and he said (my GI) that we have basically done all we can do. Ok, not everything...we can go to Mayo. Kinda scary.

I stumbled across this site, listen2yourgut.com. It has quite a bit of helpful information. One thing I found, was that I tried the shakes that they offer. It seems I can down these, when all else fails. The lady on the site greatly enourages a few things, including probiotics to reintroduce good bactieria, oil of oregeno to get rid of infection of things like MAP (more on that later if you don't know about it yet), and EFT (some sort of emotional release technique).

Right now, I'm feeling pretty good. Of course I always do when they put me on steroids. Then the downward taper off them seems to coincide with the downward spiral of how I feel, both in my attitude, and in my physical health.

That being said, each time I resolve that this time will be different. Resolve may not do much, but I believe hope does.I hear over and over that there is no "cure' for Crohns. I believe that to be true, in a sense. Many, many people have been helped through various means, though, putting their crohns into remission for long periods of time...so, that is the hope.

I am fully convinced there are lots of factors that affect the IBS patients colon. Some may be allergies, some infection, maybe toxic overload of some kind. Maybe hormones? Who really knows?

People like me get desperate for something to help. But it seems, eventually our "quick fixes" such as pain meds, and steroids all do us more damage in the long run. If only we could all figure out how to combat that?

I am contemplating doing an experiment, next, where I get a colonic done, and then do a retention enema with probiotics. I think some have found relief with this. Crohnsboy.com has a narrative with him trying one during a flair, and seemed to find some help.  Also, a really interesting idea to me is the one of Human Probiotic Transplant (otherwise known as a fecal transplant). I can't find any doctors here in the US doing this for Crohns. Many have tried it for c-diff with extremely high success rates. Also, a doc in Australia has been doing thousands of them with good results? Will I have to travel to Australia? Surely I can talk some local GI into trying this??

Now that you've all pondered this wonderful thought, go enjoy your next meal. :)

1 comment:

  1. Have you looked into SIBO? I found this very interesting website which has loads of info on it.
